Thursday, December 3, 2020

FINAL Black Ops 2 videos uploaded.

Over 100 hours of 1-2minute clips, edited into various categories from the last 1.5 years that I was recording my gameplay. Eventually it became too much work, so I stopped recording (and because of hard drive space).

Full playlist of the videos here:

 Someday I may still do a short "best of".

Friday, February 16, 2018

Black Ops 3 - Final

Just uploaded a couple Black Ops 3 videos. Moving away from recording my gameplay, and focusing on my photography project. Meanwhile, I've been editing a huge backlog of shadowplay video. Just 46hrs of Blops2 video to go through till I have nothing left.

I've still mostly been playing Black Ops2; which has a small, but good community still. Did find one hacker in the last few months:

Sunday, November 29, 2015

So It Begins...

After those connectivity issues, things seem back to normal (no more bullets never hitting where they should). Being at lvl55 after the first prestige, I decided to fresh start (now that I have a better grasp of the game/maps and guns). Didn't take too long to start getting accused of hacking every day in this game. Here's an example from tonight:

I'm camping the house to hold off the enemy's approach to B from C through the house (as it is a common/useful route). UAV is up and shows many back in the C spawn. I ADS the doorway waiting for them to run through. Hit TAB, realize there's only 2 more points left to win the round (@98 with two points held), so I rush out firing/spamming for the killcam (as I do every single time I remember to); just hoping one of those red dots comes my way. I can certainly understand how out of context, this could look like hacking, especially with the UAV not up during the killcam for people to see. (FYI: my voice is never in my videos, only other peoples'):

Spreading negativity and hate always harms more than one person. I love every human in existence unconditionally and would never cheat/hack in any multiplayer/online game.

If you ever are genuinely interested in something specific I did in a game, please feel free to ask me about it. I'd be happy to review the video and give you a complete and honest explanation. My mind tends to have a mind of its own and thus is able to think outside the common realm of thought (no, I'm not talking about something metaphysical).

Let's not forget, sometimes the best get lucky:

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Black Ops 3 - Great Potential

Black Ops 3 multiplayer is fun, and with mod tools and rentable servers coming, it may be just what is needed to save COD online. However, there are still a lot of hackers.

Here are two wallhackers from earlier this morning:

First highlight video coming soon.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

21.5hrs Over 2.5 Months

21.5 hrs recorded via shadowplay since July 5th. Should suffice until I get that dead hard drive recovered.

Going to work on compilation videos after this... like, every tomahawk, or every wall spam on Raid.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

New Hybrid Drive Dead

New Segate 2TB hybrid drive got fagarbled right after I "moved" all my photos and gaming videos. Even though it died before I even had time to mirror it with another 2TB drive, I still have to pay $500+ (upwards of $3,000) to get the information back off it (before they send me a replacement). May take a while... though I do have plenty of new videos I could upload.

Blops2 still has some rediculous lag (at any ping) at times. =(

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Dying Mouse

My Logitech G9X is finally on it's way out. The ribbon cable on the top part seems to have gotten worn out. Instead of buying one of the few remaining new G9Xs for $266, I went for the G502 Proteus. I still can't believe they made so few G9Xs, being the best fps gaming mouse ever constructed.

Still have many clips and hackusations to upload from March 19th -24th. New mouse should be here Monday or Tuesday (also replacing my Razor Vespula mouse pad with a new one).

Sunday, March 22, 2015

New LIVE video recordings, Hackusations

Set up my video camera again because of the increase in hackusations. Played with these guys for a couple maps. Very vocal towards the end. Here is part 1 (Standoff full match), make sure to view in 1080p @ 60fps:

So much anger. =(

Part 2 will be added here later tonight/tomorrow morning (match is on Slums):